
online services Available
All walk-in hours, short courses, and collaboration requests will continue through Zoom until further notice.

Who can use SAIG?
Learn how SAIG collaborators work with members of participating Virginia Tech Colleges and organizations.

Preparing for your collaboration
Once you have decided to request a SAIG collaboration, what should you do? We have created a checklist to help us help you more effectively and efficiently. Download and complete as many items on the list as possible prior to your first meeting with your collaborators.

Areas of Expertise
Grant Proposals
Experimental Design
Multivariate Methods
Time Series
Bayesian Statistics
Quality Control
Response Surface Models
Publication Preparation
Statistical Software: (R, SAS, JMP, MINITAB, etc.)
And many more...
“SAIG is an indispensable resource to the Virginia Tech community of researchers. Dr. Van Mullekom has helped me and my group understand our data on a level that we could not have reached without working with SAIG. In the end, it has improved the quality of our research tremendously.”
- Mike Madigan, Professor, Industrial Systems Engineering
"The team at SAIG was an extremely valuable resource during a recent research project. Not only did they provide expertise in models and methodology, they were extremely responsive and collaborative. I would especially recommend SAIG for early career faculty that may not have grant budgets to pay for data analysis for publications."
- Erin Hopkins, Assistant Professor, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
"I am a PhD student conducting interdisciplinary research and leveraging different statistical analysis methods. SAIG has been my number 1 place to go every time I need to analyze data. This is one of the most helpful resources for graduate students, which other places do not offer. I will rely on the expertise of SAIG for my future projects. They are the best! "
- Jonilda Bahja, Ph.D. Student, Business Information Technology